Three Principles Living

Judith A. Sedgeman, EdD

mental-health Tag

“What’s wrong with me?”

Since I have begun seeing clients one-on-one as a Mental Health Mentor, the most frequent questions they ask in the first session are: "What's wrong with me? How did  this happen? Why can't  anyone explain to me what happened to my mind?" For the most part, they've had a lot of therapy. And they've been given diagnoses. But  diagnoses do not explain. Diagnoses describe and label symptom sets. What's eating at people are the WHY? questions. Why can't I just be OK again? How did I go wrong? How do people get chemical...

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Mental Health: Call it what it is!

Sometimes things that have been evident for years leap into sharp focus, and demand new attention. Over the past few months, that has happened to me with the term "mental health." I've always known that the "mental health field" is all about the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness. It has always struck me as ironic that a field called "mental health"  has neither a clear definition for nor a clear vision for  actual mental health. But lately I've realized what an obstacle that is to progress and how those words...

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The truth about “reality” (It’s what you think)

Principles are true whether we like them or not, whether we agree with them or not, whether we even know about them or not. Principles are the essential logic of the universe. As we discover them, things that were confusing suddenly make sense. Think of little children before they have recognized the principle of addition. If you ask a toddler who is playing with some friends how many cookies you should bring in so he and each of his friends can have one, the answer is likely to be something like...

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Ask the deeper questions

A flood of questions follows horrifying actions like the Boston Marathon bombing. Who is to blame? How did it happen? Why? Could we have stopped it? Can we keep it from happening again? We analyze each incident with an excruciatingly complex compilation of details. We hope for answers from the accumulation of minutiae. Shouldn't we also ask the deeper questions, the questions that would generalize specific events to insights about the universal nature of fury, hatred, alienation, dissociation in human beings? Have we taken seriously the critical need to truly understand...

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Too Good to be True?

I shared some written stories and a video about people who had an insight about being the thinkers of their own thoughts, not the victims of circumstances, with someone new to the ideas of Innate Health recently.  His response was, "Yeah, I read the stories and I watched that video and I gave it a lot of thought. It's not that I don't believe that these are real people genuinely saying what they think happened to them. It's just that as far as I'm concerned, I think it's too good...

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What Price Insecurity?

When we say we all have ups and downs, we're really saying that we are more or less insecure. What is insecurity? As a feeling state, it is uncertainty, discomfort, anxiety. It is  out of sorts, out of synch, out of control. We try to ease insecurity by clinging to the familiar, asserting whatever control we can, avoiding risk, rejecting change, blaming others or circumstances. Where does insecurity come from? It comes from negative, fearful, unsettling, self-conscious thinking taken seriously. More importantly, where does it appear to come from? It appears...

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